Replacement Parts for the PROFLO PFXCM2M210

Polished Chrome
There are 4 repair parts listed below for:
  • Manufacturer/Brand: PROFLO
  • Model #: PROFLO PFXCM2M210
  • Manufacturer/Brand: PROFLO
  • Description: Hadwin 1.75 GPM Standard Kitchen Faucet - Includes Escutcheon
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  2. Browse the available parts below.
  3. Choose quantity, finish if needed and add to cart.
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Need to fix your PROFLO PFXCM2M210? At, all of our replacement parts listed below are 100% genuine PROFLO products. Use these parts to repair your fixture and restore it to its original condition. Use our repair parts diagrams to find the exact part for your PFXCM2M210. We help make repairing your fixture easy when you shop with us.

The PROFLO PFXCM2M210 has 4 repair items that are compatible with the following PROFLO SKUs:PFXCM2M210.

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